Thursday, December 13, 2007

Morality Vs. Ethics...

I may have not done this one right. I'm not sure on the difference bewtween the two are, and I stumble through some reasoning, which I keep ending back to Stepm 1.

That's pretty much it, so we'll see what happens.

Should I do the Philosophical world of Rawlio? Maybe Rawlio's Symposium/ Well, that would imply guests, and me drinking, and driving whilst I podcast would be counterproductive...

Rawlio's Dialectic? That's maybe a better idea.

Nevertheless, Click here for the Morality Vs. Ethics inner turmoil.


Blogger Unknown said...

Ethics vs Morals...What about this?

Ethics: the theory of right thinking or good living

Morals: The practise of right thinking or good living

ie. Something immoral violates ethical principals

12:52 PM  

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