Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dad's Day...and being unhealthy

So, today I had to pick my dad up from the hospital...
not a bad reason. He had his colonoscopy. He was feeling pretty good when Linda and I got him after work.

He took us out for dinner at KFC and I tried the Chicken Bowl. Y'know, it wasn't that bad, but if you know the ingredients,it's just not the most healthiest thing.

I tried to look up the nutritional value of the meal, but it's not been processed. Hmm...

is it pretty bad? Mashed potatoes, Gravy, Corn, popcorn chicken, and cheese...

The Colonel's Poutine, it seems to me.

But on a happier note, i did find a site that you can type in a recipe that you make, and it will calculate the nutritional value. Pretty cool.

I've tried a few, and it's pretty cool.

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