Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Dragon Morality

As I drive home from my first Dragon Boat practice, I talk about Morality, and other things.

It gets a bit deep.

For A Moral kick in the pants, Click this!


Blogger Unknown said...

I'd walk away. I'd assume that it doesn't matter what I choose to do. The logical conclusion of me walking into a village while an execution is going on is not to halt the execution of 9 people if I personally kill one. To me I'd say the General is acting irrationally. 1 to go against the wishes of his government and 2. having some stranger who is not part of their government commit a murder. even if the reason for killing people is completely irrational it doesn't change anything in the larger scheme. Even if I killed 1 person to save 9 the village people probably will kill thousands more and I can't exactly stick around to stop them all.

9:17 PM  

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