Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Trip to the Grocery Store

This is the 2nd show. it's Linda and I's trip to the Grocery store; We talk about what's interesting and why podcast.

2nd WorldCast



Blogger Chris said...

Here's a question for you: When you're podcasting and you finally wrap your car around a tree, who is going to rescue your iPod and post the Rawl Drives Off The Road & Kills Himself podcast?

8:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I hardly ever get interesting ideas on my commute. Mostly all I think about is "don't touch me...don't touch me...don't touch me...AAAAAH Fat guy! don't sit next to me...don't touch me...STOP TALKING!!!...don't touch me...Stop looking at me!!...don't touch me...hold on, sharp turn...sudden braking AAAAH!...don't touch me...don't touch me..."

Then again, I ride the bus...

2:57 PM  

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